Friday, October 23, 2009

too lazy for a documentary... so we blog.

On the quest to further our creative development (and share a little piece of ourselves with the rest of the world), Mason and I hit a few roadblocks. Careers, school, a "break up," if you will, when I left Philly for the Big Apple. We attempted to make a documentary, which lasted for about 12 minutes when I became camera shy and we realized we couldn't get the cool "outsider" perspective we were going for (since we were the only 2 shooting. ever.)

Our biggest issue: laziness. Plain and simple. Me and Mase can't focus on any one project for too long, and even if we could, we'd be too damn lazy to follow it through.

So here we are. We both sit in front of our computers all day, so we have no excuses left. The juices are flowing, no physical effort necessary, and... we're hilarious. If we give up on this one, we really are the big dumb animals we've so long suspected we might be.

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